Submission Guidelines

Want to write for The Ram Realm?

Or maybe you have a story idea you’d like to see our team write?

Contact us with your idea using contact form and if we will like it we will get back to you. Please send us a ONE PARAGRAPH PITCH, detailing your idea and your sources. We’re looking for stories that fall into the following categories:

  • News
  • Features
  • Opinions
  • Q&As
  • Sports
  • Listicles
  • Personal Narratives

Please remember: we publish stories about Fordham culture, the University itself, and our surrounding neighborhoods.

If you are interested in writing a personal narrative, please send us the COMPLETED story for consideration.

*Your story MUST include photos/videos/some kind of visual component. We will not publish stories without at least one visual component.

**For photos, we will only accept those taken in LANDSCAPE.

One of our wonderful editors will let you know ASAP if your story idea is approved.

So get writing!